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Way Grander Enterprises, Ltd.
Products: The Metric Clock Dashboard Widget

Over the past several decades, many in the world of physical measurement have awoken to the simple logic of the Metric System. A clear majority of countries now prefer this system for the reckoning of distances, volumes, mass, electrical current, temperature, and countless other aspects of our modern world. One realm, though, remains largely mired in the old ways: the realm of time.

We at Way Grander Enterprises believe that a fully metric time-keeping system is long overdue. We share this belief with, and so these two great organizations have collaborated to bring you - and the world - the first truly novel timekeeping device in the past thousand years. Just as the French Revolution brought about the metric system centuries ago, so too shall this new clock bring about a veritable revolution in the way we perceive time.

One day under the old, cumbersome system consisted of the following:

  • 24 hours,
  • 1,440 minutes,
  • 86,400 seconds.

Here is our proposal for a new metric standard:

  • 10 decidays,
  • 100 centidays,
  • 1,000 millidays,
  • 100,000 moments.

Now, you can be among the first to experience the excitement - at the office, on the go, or right in your very own home - by downloading the Metric Clock Dashboard Widget today. Available for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger only.

Download the Metric Clock Dashboard Widget

Metric Clock Dashboard Widget screenshot

Installation notes: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is required. If you're using Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widget's icon in the Widget Bar to open it. If you're using a browser other than Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, unarchive it and place it in /Library/Widgets/ in your home folder. Show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widget's icon in the Widget Bar to open it.